Scylla |
Name: Scylla (Truename: A'scyllarya)
Gender: Mare
Age: 14 Summers
Species: Unicorn
Most Likely Found: The Vale
Abilities: Healer, Laysinger
Family: Dam - Lunara, Sire - Neoro, Mate - Vari, Children - Vall, Fia (in utero)
Other Relations: Cousin - Cocoro, Shoulder Friends - Dace, Sirius
Description: Bright orange with red points and dark red hooves, green eyes/horn, and a red-and-yellow particolored mane.
Personality: As bright as her coloring...generally bubbly and playful, but capable of being serious and focused in a tight situation. Loving and easily friendly, and loyal to those who earn her trust.
Scylla also has a temper, and while it doesn't emerge often, it is fairly formidable.
Of late she has become a much more sober soul, but is still capable of her earlier good cheer and antics.
With the burgeoning Vale population, Scylla rarely finds reason to leave the Vale - as a matter of fact, she is often forced to divide her attention between her duty as a healer and her growing family.
She's fortunate to have found a match in the ever-patient and loving Vari -
a support and great comfort in spite of her somewhat flighty schedule.
Scylla is estranged from her parents and all other relatives - she has not seen her elder half-brother Cade in some time, nor her father who resides in the Hallow Hills, and her mother passed on some time ago.
Lealta |
Name: Lealta (Truename: Letian'al)
Gender: Mare
Age: 9 Summers
Species: Unicorn
Most Likely Found: The Far Plains
Abilities: Navigation by the stars
Family: Dam - Gia, Sire - unknown
Other Relations: Alma's Stars - Glisterhoof, Riverdark, Naveed, Cirrus, Iris, Aspen, Apple, Ebondancer, Smokestep, Tesserae Moonbow
Description: The color of red earth, rusty chestnut with orange tones in her coat. Her points shade to deep green - ears, face, legs, and the tip of her tail. Her mane and tail resemble nothing so much as autumn wheat, yellow and brown-red and green equally mixed. Her eyes are the blue green of the Summer Sea, hooves vivid spring green, and her incongruous horn is strikingly red. While Lealta is not tiny by any stretch of imagination, she is built lightly and for endurance, neither for power nor sprinting speed. In addition, she has a white crescent on her front left cannon, a scar given by her peers on a long-ago night.
Personality: A staid creature, responsible and even-tempered, with a spark of humor on sunny days and bravery still within her heart. She has accepted her fate, openly admitted her fault, forsworn the Longdance and now avoids those with youngsters at their side. Secretly, she worries that Alma has punished her for - ironically enough - a lack of faith; that she wavered under Alma's testing. Why, she does not know, but in reaching - understandably - for some reason why one has miscarried three times, one often makes more of a sin than it ought to be, or imagines unnamed and forgotten treacheries where there is none, in a desperate attempt to make toxic logic of something one cannot understand.
Neo |
Name: Neo
Gender: Stallion
Age: 10 Summers
Species: Unicorn
Most Likely Found: The Far Plains
Abilities: Navigation by the stars, warrior
Family: Dam - Clearmorn*, Sire - Summerhawk* Children - Rainier* (xMist*, NPC), Unnamed colt (xBibble)
Other Relations: Friends - Gearran*, Caspia*, Indri*, Cocoro*, Boz*, Kybra*, Reto*
Current Band - Pardling (yellow mare, NPC), Wiser (blue paint, NPC), Brig, and three more yet-unnamed bandmates.
* denotes name of a Plainsdweller. Neo knows them by these names, but has not seen them in some time, thus they may not still have these names when/if he meets them again.
Description: Bright red with orange-yellow dapples. Legs, eartips and muzzle shade into black - Neo has a truly black hide, and so where the hair on his body is fine, it will show through. Mane and tail are banners of sunny orange. Neo's eyes are orange as well with black sclera, and his horn and beard are black.
His build is tall and lithe with a sharply chiseled head, powerful legs and a deep chest for his strong heart and lungs. Neo is young, just on the cusp of his prime.
Personality: Somewhat shy in a crowd of strangers unless he has a specific purpose, Neo has grown out of his paralyzing social fears and can hold his own with small groups. He stutters occasionally in the grip of great emotion. To control this problem, he has retreated almost entirely into silence. This sometimes gives him an aura of mystery or standoffishness when in contact with strangers, but once familiarity is established he can be counted on to tease and laugh and hold a decent conversation.
Breakwater |
Name: Breakwater (Truename: Unknown)
Gender: Stallion
Age: 10 or thereabouts... he's not sure. Others have guessed as much.
Species: Unicorn
Most Likely Found: Along the river running from Alma's Heart to the Summer Sea
Abilities: Built for speed, clever, good at comprehending difficult problems and incredibly intuitive when he allows himself to be. He can't sing traditionally, but the people he spent a year and a half with taught him a lively alternative to the chanting of blank verse at which his rich and somewhat breathy voice excels.
Family: Unknown
Other Relations: Oddfoot and Sedum (both NPCs), who he's adopted as both sisters and shoulder-friends.
Description: It apparently took the whole decade for Breakwater to grow into his legs, but at last, he's a well-proportioned fullgrown, and tall as the day is long. Unexpectedly, Breakwater is quite graceful, moving with an ease and economy of motion as if he were born to be so long-legged.
A dapple of the most extraordinary colors, Breakwater is crimson along the topline, shading into tree frog-green midway down the belly. At first thought that would seem terribly unattractive, yet Alma wielded her brush lightly, and as a result Breakwater's appearance is more that of a ripe mottled mango or--well, you get the idea. His eyes are the yellow-green of tourmaline, odd but bright, and his mane and tail, beard, tassels and feathers are vibrant green at the roots, fading into equally vibrant crimson. Breakwater's horn is green and his legs shade dark red from the knees and hocks to the hooves. His hide must be crimson, as the finely-haired soft points at the muzzle, around the eye and velvet ear are red as well.
Were he of the culture to understand what was meant, if one were to call him a 'Christmas ornament,' like as not he'd laugh, pleased, and agree with you.
Marring this attractive layout are a few scars - assumably picked up when he was washed downriver to the delta of the Summer Sea during a flash flood.
His build is tall and lithe with a sharply chiseled head, powerful legs and a deep chest for his strong heart and lungs. Neo is young, just on the cusp of his prime.
Personality: Somewhat shy in a crowd of strangers unless he has a specific purpose, Neo has grown out of his paralyzing social fears and can hold his own with small groups. He stutters occasionally in the grip of great emotion. To control this problem, he has retreated almost entirely into silence. This sometimes gives him an aura of mystery or standoffishness when in contact with strangers, but once familiarity is established he can be counted on to tease and laugh and hold a decent conversation.
Van - On Hiatus |
Name: Van (Truename: Van'lerial)
Gender: Stallion
Age: 15 Summers
Species: Unicorn
Most Likely Found: In the Vale, generally being social on the valley floor, biding his time, awaiting his next runners' assignment.
Abilities: With a long-legged, lithe body created for speed and endurance, Van is an excellent messenger.
Family: Dam - Tassia (25 Summers, NPC), Sire - unknown, Unnamed Colt (x???)
Other Relations: Shoulder-friend - Amrunroch
Description: Van can easily be marked by his bright colors. He is vividly blue with splashes the color of an orange peel rolling down his chest in rough waves down to his legs. A patch lays over his croup (his hips) and another covers his forehead down to his muzzle like a blaze, arcing over the ridges of his eye sockets. Three of his four legs are blue, with paler orange hooves. His right hind leg is a splash of orange from mid-gaskin to coronet, where the hair turns white and his hoof is white as well. Van's mane, tail, fetlocks, beard, and tassels are all the same hue - orange. His eyes are brown. His horn is deep blue at the base, shading upward to cyan at the tip.
Personality: Gregarious and friendly, charming...the epitome of what it means to be a well-mannered child of the Vale...but it's a facade. In reality he's rather reckless, and was the exasperation of his elders as a child. Capable of concentration when needed, but easily distracted, Van has a short attention span. He's genuine, but he has a tendency to laugh a bit too much. At night, he can often be found on the Lookout Knoll, watching the gryphons fly. His father is a Plainsdweller (he does not know), his mother a Valedweller.
His hobby is telling tales. He's not a Laysinger, mind you. He's a storyteller, and because there is no 'place' in the Vale for a teller of stories, he is a fleet-footed runner, carrying messages to and from the Vale to the Hallow Hills, where he can also occasionally be found.
Van's parentage is half a mystery to him. He was born to the mare Tassia in the Birthing Grotto of the Vale twelve years ago, when the Hallow Hills were yet claimed by the wyverns. He suffered at the will of the mad King, a youngling then, and hardened his hooves and horn in Ryhenna's fire. Young when the unicorns went to war - only seven, a little past the age of full warrior and yet untried in battle, Van nevertheless took part in Endingfire. The first blood that slicked colorless upon his horn was that drawn from a wyvern's breast.
Van believes himself to be fatherless, raised by only his mother, who said that he did not have a sire. Naive, Van assumes that this means his sire was a stallion of the Vale, dead before his birth, and as it pains his mother to speak of it entirely, he does not speak of it. Any of the colts he might have sported with in the Vale will only know that "he does not have a sire," as that is all he would ever say.
The truth is very different. Van's sire is not of the Vale, but of the Plains, and his wild coat speaks it. His mother Tassia is a solid red as a wild strawberry, with a mane and tail the color of rich cream. She forsook the Ring as a young mare, leaving but for a few weeks, and returned in disgrace. None know this tale but the stallion with whom she trysted on that late summer night and the companions he ran with upon the Plain.
The tale that Tassia gave upon her return spoke of being sprung upon by pans and routed deep into the tangled heart of the woods. Lost and alone, dodging predators and the hoots of the goatlings' horns, it took her the full span of time to return.
So she says.
Misled by his dam's lies of self-preservation and her shame, Van has never known his sire.
Dewfire - Retired |
Name: Dewfire
Gender: Mare
Age: Middling years - she won't say more
Species: Unicorn
Most Likely Found: On the Plains
Abilities: A healthy dose of common sense
Family: Son - Sunhawk (NPC)
Description: Blue roan with a bone-white horn and hooves, amber eyes, and a deep, dusky orange mane.
Personality: Dewfire is a mare in the prime of her life at sixteen years of age, her body passed from foalhood with the bearing and raising of a son of her own - now seven and gone from her. Long-limbed and lithe, a runner, a dancer, just as the Old Lays say how the Unicorn was made in the image of the Mother. She is a calm soul, and has seen much - and tends to answer questions with yet more questions. There is no bitterness in her; no dark past...only peace.
Cade - Retired |
Name: Cade (Truename: Cadabryn)
Gender: Stallion
Age: Prime of life - he's lost track
Species: Unicorn
Most Likely Found: In the Hallow Hills
Abilities: Warrior
Family: Sire - Neoro, Half-Sister - Scylla, Nephew - Vall, Niece - Fia
Other Relations: Mate - Sofien, Shoulder Friends - Dom, Shaysie
Description: Tawny chestnut with a pale pinkish horn, pinkish hooves, deep brown eyes, white socks and fetlocks and a white blaze, and a blaze-red mane and tail.
Personality: Cordial when spoken to, stoic and silent when not, and with a sarcastic sense of humor - Cade was alive to witness the Battle of Endingfire. Having seen numerous deaths at the talons of the Wingcats prior to that, and having aided in the killing of Gryphons himself, Cade still bears ill will against the Gryphons in spite of Battleprince Jan's successful peace. He is an old warrior, and a good one, and has yet to see the worth in the feathered pards. Somewhat still bound by the old Law of Halla's Circle, but thanks to his own recent self-awakening, he is gradually becoming more open-minded.
Sahana - Retired |
Name: Sahana
Gender: Mare
Age: 12 Summers
Species: Unicorn
Most Likely Found: On the Plains
Abilities: Sentry/Warrior
Family: Cousin - Rohar, Cousin - Tahar
Other Relations: Shoulder Friends - Kaiara and Ororn
Description: Allover pink, with lemon yellow points, blue eyes, hooves, and horn.
Personality: Bubbly and sweet--and at times overbearing--Sahana can come on as a ditz. She is not, however, that easy to navigate. Deep within her is a natural talent for leadership, which she doesn't get to use often, as she's usually part of the sentry, rather than the orchestrator, thanks to her sharp eyesight. While Sahana will give advice easily enough, she's hard pressed to admit her own feelings, and generally has to be encouraged to give anything away.