Moon And Unicorn - The Official Website of Meredith Ann Pierce

Firebringer Trilogy Wikipedia Page


Alayha's Nest - Meredith Ann Pierce fansite maintained by IFAS member Alayha

Calydor's International Firebringer Appreciation Society Page - Another IFAS website maintained by Calydor


Firebringer Book Reviews - found another one on the web, or wrote one? Submit it to Scylla! Note: Please avoid reviews located on popular commercial websites like Amazon and Barnes & Noble, as these entries are already linked.

Birth of the Firebringer available on

Birth of the Firebringer available on


The Interactive Encyclopedia - A frequently updated resource of information both about the novels and the Vale. Member submissions are welcome! Visit the forum to find out more.

The Download Page - Here you can download a variety of historic IFAS documentation, preserved logs from both early IFAS meetings and previous Alma's World roleplay boards, and other materials.

Member Page Index - Frequently updated listing of all currently active members.

Member Page Portrait Outlines - Outlines currently available for use for Member Page Portraits.

Character Quick Reference - Thumbnail images of past and present character designs for fast and easy reference.

About Loading Images on the Vale Forums - This tutorial includes everything you need to know about where to find free image hosting, what direct-linking is, and how to link your images into Vale posts.

The Vale Chat - Until we find a more appropriate home for this link, for now it's here under the Resources Section. Hang out on the group chat with other Vale folks! Compliments of Vale member Blueflyer--thanks!